is now integrating A.I. into it's advanced enhanced literacy description of nick folkes original artwork.
As most of us are aware, a.i. is been integrated into the workforce. this can benefit some and un-employ many, so this is unfortunate but it is the reality. we need to develop the best moral ways to utilize a.i. in all it's great ways to advanced g.i. designs, engineering, security, medicine, etc...
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The general is sick of all the lies and deceit, fraud and thievery plaguing the world now that it looks like we are in ww3 after world powers finished staging a fake pandemic based on a virus that was manmade in a laboratory. the world entered population control.
he knows they needed to stage it to bring the world into a world war 3 years following it. this general knows not to go to war with russia but not a lot of others do.
the others will have the same fate as hitler and napolean. after they attempted to invade russia, they died miserably. the problem is there are some really old and really powerful men in this world that would prefer to go out with a large bang at the expense of a lot of innocent lives by continuously and relentlessly aggravating mother russia.
the state of mind you need to be in to survive in this world is constantly changing and you must adapt in timely fashion.
the general feels like he has already seen enough war, so he is truly disgusted with a lot of things.
he has grown accustomed to witnessing devastation and death at his very doorsteps, everytime he comes and goes. it makes him live solberly most of the time while many others get trashfaced.
he knows he is in control now of his situation been solber. he is angered by all the lives he has lost in his village. he doesn't know what to do right now about this. he is furious. the dead spirits of the lost and forgotten of war haunt him, but not in a bad way.
one thing for sure is he has his love dedicated to god and knows it is god who makes the final decisions on the matter. when he feels unprotected, he becomes blessed by the holly spirit and grace of god, which is so ever powerful.
he asks god, haven't i bear witness to enough death, pain, suffering and tragedy? why can't i live in a nicer place that doesn't feel like hell on earth?
i'm not going to let people make me feel horrible he sais to god, i won't allow for it. when there is evil it is some poor soul possessed by demons. The general knows there are evil witches and demons plaguing his village and he needs solutions to deal with them.
we must not allow war-mongerers to prevail in our village, the general sais to god.
all i have seen is war and endless combat operations for over 2 decades, my entire adult life. i don't know any other way to be he said. when will it end? when will we have peace on earth once again? do we have to wait for something horrible to happen to finally wake up and come to our senses?
god sais to him, your calmness and control will prevail ultimately above all else. have faith in god and you will succeed.
general sphere a.k.a. the s.k. spy killa will continue. (to be continued)